Sunday, June 30, 2013

Cheating in a romantic relationship Part 2

Is it possible to work through a relationship where the partner cheated?
What if they gave you or they gave me another chance?

Of course once again, these questions can only be answered with...
how well did you communicate before the cheating occurred?
were the rules of what you two considered cheating clear?

If the answer is no:

It's up two the people involved to communicate why they though their partner cheated, how it made them feel. Then explain what cheating means to you and hear what your partner/s have to say. After communicating you and the people involved can decide whether to keep the current relationship and therefore lay down boundaries/rules. If the people involved don't want to be in a relationship anymore at least now after communicating everyone can feel better about their decision and know what to do for the next romantic partner/s they are with in the future. 

If the answer is yes: 

Usually people cheat because they are too chicken to end a relationship, which is not only cowardly and insulting to the definition of being an adult, but is irresponsible and in considerate of their partner/s. If you don't want to be with someone anymore talk about, write a letter, something! (not text message or social networking) 

It hurts less to be honest and end things then to cheat!
Who cheated? Did you ask them why?
Because no matter how drunk you are or high you can still think rationally. Unless the rules are too strict
There are so many souls on this planet to meet. If it's time to part, it's time.
How do I know if it's time? Pain is telling you it's time.

Will we meet again, or is it over for good? Love, will tell you whether or not there are still things left, if they are then you will meet again, but not necessarily has lovers. It's your life, but sometimes fate has more control than we can ever hope to imagine.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Cheating in a romantic relationship Part 1

Cheating can be a complicating thing to judge, define and notice. The best way to know if your partner is cheating starts before the act is even questioned. When two or more people decide to be romantic together and put labels on their relationship they need to communicate and give boundaries or rules; boundaries are especially important in open relationships.

Here are some questions you can ask each other:
What is your definition of cheating?
Is it okay to have sex with other people? What if it is only for a short period of time? Only once? As long as we are safe?
(Always have safe sex no matter what! STI's and STD's are as common as any other major infection!)
Is having sex with the opposite gender cheating? Same gender? Gender less...ect?
Is kissing cheating?

The list goes on, but it's important to be as clear as possible even if the questions sound funny, or obvious to you, do NOT assume that your partner/s think the same as you.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Prayer, is the most powerful thing people over look. You don't have to believe in any religion or in any god/goddess/fairy/spirits/est. Or you can believe in all of them. What prayer is, is also meditation. But it's belief.

To belief that what you want already exists. To live life with love, forgiveness and gratitude. The greatest gift is to serve the universe to help others of all forms of matter. To do all actions and thoughts with love. To be love, is to not be hateful, not be selfish, not to over indulge.

So if you want to change yourself, your life, the world, here's how you start:
1st Think about how you want to be
2nd Feel how you would feel if you were already your ideal self
3rd Belief you already are your ideal self

Then apply this to any aspect to your life

Then apply this to the world

My health first got better when I became more aware of my food choices. Then the more I became aware of my thoughts the healthier I became, the happier I became.

Now I understand, you must feel and belief as if your goals are already accomplished.

Now when I look in the mirror I just see beauty, intelligence and a higher being from the universe.
I see the golden lights of stars in my eyes
I feel the gifts of the universe travel through my veins
I cry every time I think about how ABSOLUTELY GRATEFUL I am to be alive, to be with the universe, to feel the love and acceptance from the stars and the foliage around me

My fellow brothers and sisters, I love you with all my heart
Please forgive me if I in this life time or any lifetime I or my ancestors have harmed you
I forgive all the beings who have hurt me in this lifetime, all the past lifetimes and
all the begins who hurt my ancestors, we forgive you

It's time to forgive each other
It's time let go
It's time to say "I love myself"
It's now that we say "I love you!" to all living and non-living things
Now breath in all things love, health and breath out all the worry, pain, hate, and frustration

You deserve inner peace, act, think, and feel as someone who does
So one by one, we will all live in

Peace, Love and Harmony

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Reaction to Business men in Korea and prostitution


Wow! Another reason I need to study Korean and go to Korean, ! 열심히공부하애해! 모든 여자들은 도와하고싶어요. 그런대 다른 문화이지요. 조심할거예요. It's important to respect other cultures, but no culture is perfect and there are reasons why unhealthy cultures are developed over time. Korea has a lot of self image problems and empowering not just woman but men on being realistic and healthy is the first step.

It would be one thing if the wives could have sex with prostitutes as well and if the husbands had a healthy sex life with their wives. But that's not the case. It's not just in South Korea that this culture has been seen. It's prevalent in a lot of Asian cultures. I will never forget this one cook from Vietnam, he was sending money back home to his wife while he had a girl friend in HI. I asked if it was okay for her to have a boy friend too, and he said no. If you can't equally have sex with others, and one person is upset by it, clearly it's cheating.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Love to Heal Love to Give

Many people make the mistake of misunderstanding the purpose of love. There is a false understanding that Love is possessive, it's selfish, it's painful. How can that be? It's the complete opposite. Any negative thoughts are coming from your ego, your mind, not from your heart, and not from the divine.

Love is complicated and yet literally simple. It comes in infinite forms from endless planes of the universe and other universes. It can be a small act like a smile, or a big act like a kiss or saving someone from a car crash.
Love heals the sick, love eradicates pain. Love is the light that destroys the dark. Love is the only truth, it doesn't change, it only gets stronger.

To have love fall into your life you must let it in. Love will not get upset, worried, or disinterested. Love will always be there, it's up to you whether you want to grow, mature, become wiser, become healthier, and finally become responsible for your own happiness.

When you have let love completely take over your body and soul, the only way to pay back the debt of enlightenment and acceptance is to love and accept others.

If you don't understand this yet, that's fine because that's where you are on your journey.

Shalom, Namaste, Love Peace and Harmony