Thursday, August 2, 2012

Controlling your emotions/ giving 2nd chances

"She was 2 hours late, screw this I want to go home!"
"He wore that outfit today, ugg I don't think this going to work!"
"They like animals way too much, I don't want to hear about endangered species, shoots!"

So this/these people weren't up to your expectations today, they aren't as perfect as you thought they were. They made a social mistake or faux pas.
Did this/these person/s make you happy or feel good the times before?
Do you like everything else about them?

If you said yes then take a chill pill. Our emotions can run wild sometimes when our minds feel we have been lied to, or tricked. When in reality we never were, don't assume you know everything about people based on other likes and characteristics.

So you might have to adjust how or when you hang out with this/these person/people; simple just change this persons role in your role book, or realize humans are human and that finding a flaw or annoyance isn't the end of the world. It's only fair to give a second chance, wouldn't you want someone you like to give you a second chance?

If this person continues to annoy you, or you start to feel less and less connected, then that's a different story.
If this is the case then move on, the purpose of getting to know someone is to see if you can get along with them.

Respecting someone is accepting them for who they are and so, by choosing not to be around them, because you know you don't enjoy the same things and don't want them to feel bad, your doing each other a favor.

Timing, part one

So you found the right person, but at the wrong time, shoot. Timing can be even more important than the person.  

Strange? When we are looking for a partner, we are looking for a companion who will fit with our lives and persona at the moment. All things are constantly changing including our needs, and or wants.

First: figure out what kind of relationship you want
  • Long term? Just for fun? For Life, as in, (even if your no longer lovers with them, you still want them in your life, because you still care about them.)
  • How much time do you have to put into a relationship?
  • How much energy do you have to put into a relationship?
  • Is long distance better? Or short Distance?
 Second: Timing with the person
  • How fast do you want to go?
  • Do you want to be friends first, or go straight into being lovers?
  • How much personal information do you want to share and when?
  • Do you go by the Onion Theory? Or do you reverse it?<dangerous
  • Does this person you like, desire the same speed?
  • How long does it take you to fall in love?
  • Can they wait? 
Timing is fragile, like a glass orb sitting on icy water. If the water freezes while the orb is in the air when it comes back down it will brake into a million pieces. The tide, jump and temperature all have to align perfectly to see the final sculpture.

Ultimately our subconscious knows what's good for us. If your with someone who seems perfect but, no matter what, you feel unhappy; they are wrong for this time in your life.