Thursday, May 3, 2012

Exist, to exist

If everyone just helped one person everyday, was there for them, cared for them, loved them, there would be no more sadness.

You are special, you are unique, and your here.

We all exist for a reason, we all exist right now, right this second.
We are all here, and we are all meant to be here.
We all are wanted, we are all needed.
Our existence is existence.
I appreciate all of you, and I appreciate all of your existences.

No matter what you have done in the past, what you are thinking about doing now, and what you will do in the future.

I love all of you.

I wish I was a super hero, I wish I could love all of u with the power of 1,000,000 thousand burning suns!

I wish I could take away all your suffering.

I wish I was less selfish.

But one thing I can promise is...

That no matter what happens, I will understand and if I don't I will learn until I do.

I will not give up on love, because it didn't give up on me.

I will not stop existing, I will change, and rearrange, but

I, like all of you will still be around,

Whether a star in the sky

or a blade of grass,

a feather falling out of the wind,

or a water molecule splashing onto the ground,

We all have a purpose,

don't forget,

and don't let anyone tell u otherwise,

you are important,

and one day,

we will all have complete awareness,

Complete respect,

for you, for me, for them, for us,

Most of all,

for the things that brought us all together,

thank you so much for existing with me,

I appreciate all of you and everything

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous writing! Words fail for me to describe the beauty of this poem and the meaning behind it. Thank you for sharing... namaste... love
