Everyone is on their own path and some people have more frequent bumps than others. Learning how people live their lives, what they eat, how they exercise, the style in which they communicate are the best indicators for if you are compatible with this person.
For me personally:
It's important to be physically attracted to someone "smell, sight, touch, taste ;)" But on top of that, you have to love who they are not what they are.
I'm mainly turned on by intelligence, overall intelligence. This is where the looks do come into play, if I am working hard to stay healthy and physically in shape, then I want my partner to do so, as well. Good habits take time to develop, so I look at the way a person organizes their life, their emotional maturity, their spiritual connection and their analytical mind.
Humans are complex and it's important to find someone at or close to your level, on most aspects of life. It's the combination of similarities and differences that help relationships and one another grow.
Looks matter if you can analyze why someone looks a certain way, which takes time. Your body doesn't always reflect your mind. If the perception of that other person is so one dimensional, you can't accurately see anything in correct proportion. Judging someone based off of first impressions will leave you isolated and jaded in the end.
How do you love yourself? How can you love others? I will answer these questions gradually in the posts in this blog.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
You're stronger than your wounds!
If you have scars, be proud of them. They signify that you survived a painful ordeal and are smarter because of that event.
What's important is now!
These scars I have surgical, acid, falling off cliffs I am empowered by them. The pain whether it's internal or external learn from it but don't hold on to it, stress can kill you remember!
So kiss your wounds and move on. If you're still healing that's fine but recognize how far you've come and know that you are at different place.
- When you see scars remember that your physical pain is healed.
- Show them off, tell the stories.
- This media obsession with perfection doesn't help anyone and is shallow.
- Because our lines and spots say the life we've lived, and we shouldn't feel bad about the path we've taken.
What's important is now!
These scars I have surgical, acid, falling off cliffs I am empowered by them. The pain whether it's internal or external learn from it but don't hold on to it, stress can kill you remember!
So kiss your wounds and move on. If you're still healing that's fine but recognize how far you've come and know that you are at different place.
When I fell off a cliff. It's healed nicely don't worry, :)!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Today's Youth in the USA
Humans are curious beings and love to learn, but many school across the world destroy that love of learning. In the US capitalism has made people think that materials will bring them happiness. We are getting farther and farther away from community and nature. When we love ourselves then we can truly love others. Once we have self love all we want to do is give and help others. < This concept is lost in a capitalist society all though having options to direct trade such as money to hold pros. We need a more balanced society.
This is my reaction to the recent Toys "R" Us commercial. The commercial
I love nature, I've been hiking since I was a young child. My grandfather was a forest ranger and one of the first people to educate and fight pesticides and teach people the importance or recycling in California. This definitely rubbed off on my mother who respected Native American culture and used that along with my father taking us into the forests to inspire the love of science and nature.
-_'- It's sad children are getting bombarded by materialism crap. About age 13 I finally realized that things and being by yourself all the time can't make you happy. Then I started to make more friends and finally when I was 19 I learned to truly love myself (I loved the world but not myself and I finally understood that I am apart of this world and I deserve to love myself) and I finally found true happiness. The more we teach kids to be selfish and materialistic the longer it's going to take them to wake up to reality.
This is my reaction to the recent Toys "R" Us commercial. The commercial
I love nature, I've been hiking since I was a young child. My grandfather was a forest ranger and one of the first people to educate and fight pesticides and teach people the importance or recycling in California. This definitely rubbed off on my mother who respected Native American culture and used that along with my father taking us into the forests to inspire the love of science and nature.
-_'- It's sad children are getting bombarded by materialism crap. About age 13 I finally realized that things and being by yourself all the time can't make you happy. Then I started to make more friends and finally when I was 19 I learned to truly love myself (I loved the world but not myself and I finally understood that I am apart of this world and I deserve to love myself) and I finally found true happiness. The more we teach kids to be selfish and materialistic the longer it's going to take them to wake up to reality.
Keep your childhood innocence while maintaining monk like wisdom.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Stealing is not Love
I watched a video by Onision and realized there are a lot people don't believe in love and that's probably because they have had so much suffering in there life that they haven't been given the gift yet.
Love isn't supposed to be cruel. True love is about giving to each other, for the happiness and well being of the world. To keep loving and giving for us to all heal and reach enlightenment and beyond. Stealing is taking from yourself. If this woman who stole from this man's heart and pocket book grew up, she would realize that by hurting him she is hurting herself and that's it's cruel and not needed. Life is hard enough, it makes me angry when people try to make life harder for others.
Check out this guy he is very talented and interesting person to watch and listen to. <not trying to sound weird.
Love isn't supposed to be cruel. True love is about giving to each other, for the happiness and well being of the world. To keep loving and giving for us to all heal and reach enlightenment and beyond. Stealing is taking from yourself. If this woman who stole from this man's heart and pocket book grew up, she would realize that by hurting him she is hurting herself and that's it's cruel and not needed. Life is hard enough, it makes me angry when people try to make life harder for others.
Check out this guy he is very talented and interesting person to watch and listen to. <not trying to sound weird.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Respecting Sexual and Gender Orientation
Everyone is different, and this goes for someone's gender and sexual orientation. If someone identifies with being Lesbian, Bisexual, Homosexual, Gay, Queer, Heterosexual, Transgender, Pansexual, Asexual other, you need to respect that they know who they are. If someone is questioning, you also need to respect where they are in their lives and that the are uncertain.
Either way, people don't need labels and shouldn't have to have them. If everyone just mutually respected each other, and that everyone has their own preferences, views, and what turns them on, all these prejudices and irritating statements people make would cease to exist. Unfortunately many people are not educated on the LGBT community and tend to judge us.
So the next time you ask someone out and get rejected, it's not always because of the way you present yourself, it can be thousands of factors. Rejection is a part of life and using excuses or getting mad when someone says oh I'm gay/straight ect. doesn't mean you should question their orientation or continue to ask them. Move on, the right person will give you a chance, if they feel mutually interested.
Some websites that can help you with LGBT questions are:
Either way, people don't need labels and shouldn't have to have them. If everyone just mutually respected each other, and that everyone has their own preferences, views, and what turns them on, all these prejudices and irritating statements people make would cease to exist. Unfortunately many people are not educated on the LGBT community and tend to judge us.
So the next time you ask someone out and get rejected, it's not always because of the way you present yourself, it can be thousands of factors. Rejection is a part of life and using excuses or getting mad when someone says oh I'm gay/straight ect. doesn't mean you should question their orientation or continue to ask them. Move on, the right person will give you a chance, if they feel mutually interested.
Some websites that can help you with LGBT questions are:
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Thought of over emotion
When I think about how much I love and care for this planet, when I am grateful for my wisdom, when I see the world through loving eyes I can't help but surcome to emotion, to cry with compassion. your feelings are the signals of your beliefs they are your power. They are your strength, they are the force behind change, behind creation. You are active weavers in this universe. Think, feel, believe! Please believe in peace, love and harmony, if we all feel in love the frequence of this world will change.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Falling in Love
If you're a hippy like me, love is a broad concept with branches in between. Love is the ultimate knowledge and experience of the universe and it's the parallel to hate (not darkness).
Love heals
Love changes
Love is kindness and compassion
Love should always be everything I think and do
I'm in love everyday, with life and this planet. I love the people I meet, the animals I see, the foliage I bask in.
I've dating many people that I have general love for but not romantic love.
Romantic love for me is when two or more beings meet that are compatible in many outlets, expressions, views, and life experiences. It's when they have an inexplicable pull to each other that neither can explain. It's when with in only the first or few meets later they can't stop sending love in thought and other.
For me romantic love is not common, I've lived for so long on this planet and I'm not interested in most because I am focused always on loving the whole planet to send love to the universe.
But if you are similar to me, don't hold back. It can be scary, but remember, the only person preventing you from having certain kinds of love is you. Only yourself is in the way of your happiness.
Love, Shalom, and Harmony
Love heals
Love changes
Love is kindness and compassion
Love should always be everything I think and do
I'm in love everyday, with life and this planet. I love the people I meet, the animals I see, the foliage I bask in.
I've dating many people that I have general love for but not romantic love.
Romantic love for me is when two or more beings meet that are compatible in many outlets, expressions, views, and life experiences. It's when they have an inexplicable pull to each other that neither can explain. It's when with in only the first or few meets later they can't stop sending love in thought and other.
For me romantic love is not common, I've lived for so long on this planet and I'm not interested in most because I am focused always on loving the whole planet to send love to the universe.
But if you are similar to me, don't hold back. It can be scary, but remember, the only person preventing you from having certain kinds of love is you. Only yourself is in the way of your happiness.
Love, Shalom, and Harmony
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Cheating in a romantic relationship part 3
People easily confuse compatible partnership with romance and love. There’s a gaint amount of variety of love which can be found in all living things. It's our choice to see it or not.
When someone cheats, they are NOT doing so in a loving manner. Although you
might still love each other. If the person refuses to really explain themselves,
it’s probably because they are/is scared to tell you something, mostly likely
hurtful, to you.
Be brave,
being single is really quite enjoyable. Possibly you and your partner/s are not
ready to be with each other right now.
All the things you’ve said, I've thought about endlessly, why is
this such a heavy choice that I cannot make?
If you can’t seem to choose whether or not to stay with your
partner/s it’s not because you can’t make a decision it’s because you are
hiding from it. Eventually and sooner than later a decision whether to stay or
go will have to be DECIDED!
Although you still might love them and you want to be unselfish
and stay with them. However, in reality, by not being mature and
dilly dallying around the issue, your being selfish with you time. The longer
it takes for a decision to be made the more you risk burning a bridge.
With every situation in life forgiveness is important, please
forgive them even if you decide to leave.
You must forgive them, to have inner peace.
But I am still not sure, I don’t know if I should leave or not!
The thing is, it's hard to be alone and it's scary, no one will
listen at times and we have to use our strength to stand, but there are people
who are willing to help, we just have to let them in.
But eventually you will realize
that being alone is quite pleasant, and a great opportune time to reflect, and
take time for yourself.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Cheating in a romantic relationship Part 2
Is it possible to work through a relationship where the partner cheated?
What if they gave you or they gave me another chance?
Of course once again, these questions can only be answered with...
how well did you communicate before the cheating occurred?
were the rules of what you two considered cheating clear?
If the answer is no:
It's up two the people involved to communicate why they though their partner cheated, how it made them feel. Then explain what cheating means to you and hear what your partner/s have to say. After communicating you and the people involved can decide whether to keep the current relationship and therefore lay down boundaries/rules. If the people involved don't want to be in a relationship anymore at least now after communicating everyone can feel better about their decision and know what to do for the next romantic partner/s they are with in the future.
If the answer is yes:
Usually people cheat because they are too chicken to end a relationship, which is not only cowardly and insulting to the definition of being an adult, but is irresponsible and in considerate of their partner/s. If you don't want to be with someone anymore talk about, write a letter, something! (not text message or social networking)
It hurts less to be honest and end things then to cheat!
Who cheated? Did you ask them why?
Because no matter how drunk you are or high you can still think rationally. Unless the rules are too strict
There are so many souls on this planet to meet. If it's time to part, it's time.
How do I know if it's time? Pain is telling you it's time.
Will we meet again, or is it over for good? Love, will tell you whether or not there are still things left, if they are then you will meet again, but not necessarily has lovers. It's your life, but sometimes fate has more control than we can ever hope to imagine.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Cheating in a romantic relationship Part 1
Cheating can be a complicating thing to judge, define and notice. The best way to know if your partner is cheating starts before the act is even questioned. When two or more people decide to be romantic together and put labels on their relationship they need to communicate and give boundaries or rules; boundaries are especially important in open relationships.
Here are some questions you can ask each other:
What is your definition of cheating?
Is it okay to have sex with other people? What if it is only for a short period of time? Only once? As long as we are safe?
(Always have safe sex no matter what! STI's and STD's are as common as any other major infection!)
Is having sex with the opposite gender cheating? Same gender? Gender less...ect?
Is kissing cheating?
The list goes on, but it's important to be as clear as possible even if the questions sound funny, or obvious to you, do NOT assume that your partner/s think the same as you.
Here are some questions you can ask each other:
What is your definition of cheating?
Is it okay to have sex with other people? What if it is only for a short period of time? Only once? As long as we are safe?
(Always have safe sex no matter what! STI's and STD's are as common as any other major infection!)
Is having sex with the opposite gender cheating? Same gender? Gender less...ect?
Is kissing cheating?
The list goes on, but it's important to be as clear as possible even if the questions sound funny, or obvious to you, do NOT assume that your partner/s think the same as you.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Prayer, is the most powerful thing people over look. You don't have to believe in any religion or in any god/goddess/fairy/spirits/est. Or you can believe in all of them. What prayer is, is also meditation. But it's belief.
To belief that what you want already exists. To live life with love, forgiveness and gratitude. The greatest gift is to serve the universe to help others of all forms of matter. To do all actions and thoughts with love. To be love, is to not be hateful, not be selfish, not to over indulge.
So if you want to change yourself, your life, the world, here's how you start:
1st Think about how you want to be
2nd Feel how you would feel if you were already your ideal self
3rd Belief you already are your ideal self
Then apply this to any aspect to your life
Then apply this to the world
My health first got better when I became more aware of my food choices. Then the more I became aware of my thoughts the healthier I became, the happier I became.
Now I understand, you must feel and belief as if your goals are already accomplished.
Now when I look in the mirror I just see beauty, intelligence and a higher being from the universe.
I see the golden lights of stars in my eyes
I feel the gifts of the universe travel through my veins
I cry every time I think about how ABSOLUTELY GRATEFUL I am to be alive, to be with the universe, to feel the love and acceptance from the stars and the foliage around me
My fellow brothers and sisters, I love you with all my heart
Please forgive me if I in this life time or any lifetime I or my ancestors have harmed you
I forgive all the beings who have hurt me in this lifetime, all the past lifetimes and
all the begins who hurt my ancestors, we forgive you
It's time to forgive each other
It's time let go
It's time to say "I love myself"
It's now that we say "I love you!" to all living and non-living things
Now breath in all things love, health and breath out all the worry, pain, hate, and frustration
You deserve inner peace, act, think, and feel as someone who does
So one by one, we will all live in
Peace, Love and Harmony
To belief that what you want already exists. To live life with love, forgiveness and gratitude. The greatest gift is to serve the universe to help others of all forms of matter. To do all actions and thoughts with love. To be love, is to not be hateful, not be selfish, not to over indulge.
So if you want to change yourself, your life, the world, here's how you start:
1st Think about how you want to be
2nd Feel how you would feel if you were already your ideal self
3rd Belief you already are your ideal self
Then apply this to any aspect to your life
Then apply this to the world
My health first got better when I became more aware of my food choices. Then the more I became aware of my thoughts the healthier I became, the happier I became.
Now I understand, you must feel and belief as if your goals are already accomplished.
Now when I look in the mirror I just see beauty, intelligence and a higher being from the universe.
I see the golden lights of stars in my eyes
I feel the gifts of the universe travel through my veins
I cry every time I think about how ABSOLUTELY GRATEFUL I am to be alive, to be with the universe, to feel the love and acceptance from the stars and the foliage around me
My fellow brothers and sisters, I love you with all my heart
Please forgive me if I in this life time or any lifetime I or my ancestors have harmed you
I forgive all the beings who have hurt me in this lifetime, all the past lifetimes and
all the begins who hurt my ancestors, we forgive you
It's time to forgive each other
It's time let go
It's time to say "I love myself"
It's now that we say "I love you!" to all living and non-living things
Now breath in all things love, health and breath out all the worry, pain, hate, and frustration
You deserve inner peace, act, think, and feel as someone who does
So one by one, we will all live in
Peace, Love and Harmony
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Reaction to Business men in Korea and prostitution
Wow! Another reason I need to study Korean and go to
Korean, 곧 곰 곰! 열심히공부하애해! 모든 여자들은 도와하고싶어요. 그런대 다른 문화이지요. 조심할거예요. It's important to respect other cultures, but no culture is perfect and
there are reasons why unhealthy cultures are developed over time. Korea has a
lot of self image problems and empowering not just woman but men on being
realistic and healthy is the first step.
would be one thing if the wives could have sex with prostitutes as well and if
the husbands had a healthy sex life with their wives. But that's not the
case. It's not just in South Korea that this culture has been seen. It's prevalent in a lot of Asian
cultures. I will never forget this one cook from Vietnam, he was sending money
back home to his wife while he had a girl friend in HI. I asked if it was okay for her
to have a boy friend too, and he said no. If you can't equally have sex with others, and one
person is upset by it, clearly it's cheating.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Love to Heal Love to Give
Many people make the mistake of misunderstanding the purpose of love. There is a false understanding that Love is possessive, it's selfish, it's painful. How can that be? It's the complete opposite. Any negative thoughts are coming from your ego, your mind, not from your heart, and not from the divine.
Love is complicated and yet literally simple. It comes in infinite forms from endless planes of the universe and other universes. It can be a small act like a smile, or a big act like a kiss or saving someone from a car crash.
Love heals the sick, love eradicates pain. Love is the light that destroys the dark. Love is the only truth, it doesn't change, it only gets stronger.
To have love fall into your life you must let it in. Love will not get upset, worried, or disinterested. Love will always be there, it's up to you whether you want to grow, mature, become wiser, become healthier, and finally become responsible for your own happiness.
When you have let love completely take over your body and soul, the only way to pay back the debt of enlightenment and acceptance is to love and accept others.
If you don't understand this yet, that's fine because that's where you are on your journey.
Shalom, Namaste, Love Peace and Harmony
Love is complicated and yet literally simple. It comes in infinite forms from endless planes of the universe and other universes. It can be a small act like a smile, or a big act like a kiss or saving someone from a car crash.
Love heals the sick, love eradicates pain. Love is the light that destroys the dark. Love is the only truth, it doesn't change, it only gets stronger.
To have love fall into your life you must let it in. Love will not get upset, worried, or disinterested. Love will always be there, it's up to you whether you want to grow, mature, become wiser, become healthier, and finally become responsible for your own happiness.
When you have let love completely take over your body and soul, the only way to pay back the debt of enlightenment and acceptance is to love and accept others.
If you don't understand this yet, that's fine because that's where you are on your journey.
Shalom, Namaste, Love Peace and Harmony
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
I am woman, I am divine, I am one.

Violence and force should not happen on all walks of life.
I am a goddess and I will act and treat others with respect and kindness.
Love is the only truth.
Hatred, and pain are distractions from the truth.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Blaming one and ignoring the Big Picture
It's easy to see one incident, one situation and blame the victim or blame the assailant. What about society, what about all the strings attached to why the situation occurred.
Here is an example: There is a story in China about a 2 day old baby who was flushed down the toilet and rescue. Of course everyone blames the parents and yes what they did was a crime. But who else is responsible in this situation? Lets look deeper.
New Born Baby Trapped in pipe.
Here is an example: There is a story in China about a 2 day old baby who was flushed down the toilet and rescue. Of course everyone blames the parents and yes what they did was a crime. But who else is responsible in this situation? Lets look deeper.
New Born Baby Trapped in pipe.
- The sad part is you can't just blame the parents, it's societies fault too. Only sick people would do this. Only uneducated, and people who are stepped on would do this. Would a health person, who knew about safe sex get pregnant in the first place? NO! A person who was educated about how to maintain a health lifestyle within in their means would know if they could afford a child.
When things like this happen, it's because a whole population is suffering, not just one. This story represents thousands if not millions of new born children, dumped because the parents would starve trying to feed it. People need to be educated about safe sex, and how to maintain money within their income level. There needs to be more social programs to help those in low income situations. I wish programs like planned parent hood existed in more countries and that they were seen as a positive and the 1st to go to for sexual advice.Do you think that just putting people in jail will make life better? Yes it's important to face your crimes. It's important to take responsibility for your actions, but why? It's essential to eventually move on, grow up, and not make the mistake again! The point is to help those in need. A healthy person wouldn't commit a crime unless the law was inhumane. We should be educating and helping people to become independent, forgiving, kind individuals not just punishing them and then ignoring them while they rot in a cell for the rest of their lives.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Depending on your career will depend on how much you have to put yourself out there and how many people you need to know to succeed in life.
With anything in life, you have to know how to socialize I don't think I understood how crucial it was as a kid, but now I understand, it's the ultimate weapon and flower of humanity.
For example:
With anything in life, you have to know how to socialize I don't think I understood how crucial it was as a kid, but now I understand, it's the ultimate weapon and flower of humanity.
For example:
It's important, as an artist to socialize with all walks of life.
You have to be a people person.
I'm proud to be so talented at communication, but I worked my butt off over the years.
It's not easy to be a person, whom people want to hang out with, and want to do music with etc.
But it's not just art...
All and all, have your close friends, build a family outside your family. Love all people like you love yourself and good things will come to your life and the things within and around it.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Give Strength
You don't have to be a super hero, just be your hero. Deep down you will know what the right thing to do is, and if you don't just think about how you would like the world to be. How you would be happy. A place where everyone has the strength to be who they are born to be. To challenge the unjust, to fight for what's right, to focus on the change rather than the past.
I'm grateful I am so strong, because the world needs more role models. When I think about needed a mentor, I remember all the shit I have survived, damn I'm strong and I'm more than happy to give my strength to others because I am grateful to have an abundant amount.
I was born with a lot of strength and for some reason always knew what to do in life. A lot of people arn't there yet, and it's okay. So if you feel like you have something someone else doesn't have yet, help them.
So that one day we will all have all the skills in the universe.
Love you neighbor, as simple as that.
I'm grateful I am so strong, because the world needs more role models. When I think about needed a mentor, I remember all the shit I have survived, damn I'm strong and I'm more than happy to give my strength to others because I am grateful to have an abundant amount.
I was born with a lot of strength and for some reason always knew what to do in life. A lot of people arn't there yet, and it's okay. So if you feel like you have something someone else doesn't have yet, help them.
So that one day we will all have all the skills in the universe.
Love you neighbor, as simple as that.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
To ignore or not to.
I always wondered why people will completely ignore someone they used to be friends with. Ignoring a little bit to get a message across is one thing. But to just pretend that person doesn't exist is not only cruel but disrespectful.
If you don't want that person in your life ever again, at least explain why. Everyone, no matter what horrid thing they did to you, needs to know:
How is anyone going to ever learn anything, if we are all just too scared to express our feelings!
If you don't want that person in your life ever again, at least explain why. Everyone, no matter what horrid thing they did to you, needs to know:
- Re-explain what they did to you and how it made you feel.
- Do step one as soon as possible.
- If they did a criminal offense, then going to the police station and get them arrested.
- If it wasn't as serious and it was in a school, tell a faculty member.
- If it was in a work place, tell you boss.
Ignoring a problem, won't make it better, and won't make it go away. Please resolve your problems, confront them and the people who inflict them. If your are scared there are people to help, you just have to strong enough to get the help you need.
How is anyone going to ever learn anything, if we are all just too scared to express our feelings!
Be a warrior, fight for what is right.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
The only thing you need is love, all other words to describe our lives are meaningless without it.

I realized that no one can protect anything with their power. Only love can safe you. One can send their love to another but it cannot help them unless they are willing to accept it. So don't feel bad, and don't be a super hero. Accept that most people are on their own paths and haven't realized love in their lives yet. Be compassionate because that's really all we can do. Care and love because eventually that person will realize that they want to be as happy as you and will let go of their hate and pain so that they can feel love too.
<3 you all with my heart and the glowing globes of the universe.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Sickness and Attitude
It's easy to dislike or even hate people. Why do we do this? It isn't the people we dislike, it's the words they say or the actions they do that we really dislike!
Have you ever noticed when your sick, if you can't get rest or enough medicine/food/liquids est.. you become irritable, cranky and an overall impatient and usually unpleasant to be around. That's because you need time to heal and your not being allowed the time. The world seems unfair and the sicker you get the worse you feel.
With pollution continually getting higher, people unknowingly eating foods they are allergic to and stress levels caused my work and school increasing dude to a faster pace of life, people are becoming mentally ill at a higher rate.
Though Human Suffering isn't new, and has always been there, now more that ever to we need to be compassionate to each other.
Like wise this goes:
When you are sick, and someone makes you rest, takes care of you and is soft spoken, one tends to heal faster, and feel better.
So....The next time you accuse someone of having a bad attitude or being a nasty person, try reaching out, put yourself in their shoes, be compassionate, for they could be living in hell and are trying to find a way out.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Am I a murder?
This is a memorable text conversation I had with a close friend of mine, and thought it was too awesome not to share.
Friend: What do you consider as the beginning of human life?
Me: 200,000 years ago, when the first Homo Sapein Fossil was found.
Friend: I mean what defines a human as being alive?
Me: Well physical is easy but mental and emotional are difficult to know. Do you feel dead?
Friend: True such a hard question? No but I wonder if I am a murder..
Me: Friend, we give life and kill things everyday. When we eat, we are killers, when we breath we destroy oxygen, when we walk we kill microscopic life.
When we exhale we give life to CO2, when we die our bodies give life to the ground. All of us give and take. No one is higher than the other. <3
Friend: Thank you
Me: Your welcome <3
It's easy to judge others for their deeds, however we have committed the same ones every day in different ways. If you believe in past lives then it's likely you have done everything everyone has done.
If you don't believe this then you have had thoughts of killing, lust, envey at least once. Thoughts are worse than actions because they are the roots of creation.
The next time you want to judge someone for ill reasons remember this:
Are they endangering you?
Will you be hurt by them?
Probably not.
So love and have compassion because you don't know if you wouldn't have done what they did if you were born and raised with the exact same experiences.
Friend: What do you consider as the beginning of human life?
Me: 200,000 years ago, when the first Homo Sapein Fossil was found.
Friend: I mean what defines a human as being alive?
Me: Well physical is easy but mental and emotional are difficult to know. Do you feel dead?
Friend: True such a hard question? No but I wonder if I am a murder..
Me: Friend, we give life and kill things everyday. When we eat, we are killers, when we breath we destroy oxygen, when we walk we kill microscopic life.
When we exhale we give life to CO2, when we die our bodies give life to the ground. All of us give and take. No one is higher than the other. <3
Friend: Thank you
Me: Your welcome <3
It's easy to judge others for their deeds, however we have committed the same ones every day in different ways. If you believe in past lives then it's likely you have done everything everyone has done.
If you don't believe this then you have had thoughts of killing, lust, envey at least once. Thoughts are worse than actions because they are the roots of creation.
The next time you want to judge someone for ill reasons remember this:
Are they endangering you?
Will you be hurt by them?
Probably not.
So love and have compassion because you don't know if you wouldn't have done what they did if you were born and raised with the exact same experiences.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
It either works or it doesn't
Have you ever tried to make a relationship, of any kind, romantic or not, work? But no matter how hard you or everyone in evolved tried, it just always feel apart?
After a certain amount of times of trying, a person should eventually say
"you know, we tried but it's just not working."
This is fine, I will tell you why.
Have you herd the expression "life is like a river?"
Well if we are bubble on the river going with the current and then the river splits one bubble going right the other left, there's literally nothing you can do. But if you keep trying, then possibly you two will be together. But, not for long, because you will crash in the middle of the cross roads destroying everything.
Listen to what life is telling you, over look your desires.
If it's not easy then it's grinding to a halt.
If you feel stuck in a relationship, job, whatever, it's probably time for a change, however small or big that might be.
After a certain amount of times of trying, a person should eventually say
"you know, we tried but it's just not working."
This is fine, I will tell you why.
Have you herd the expression "life is like a river?"
Well if we are bubble on the river going with the current and then the river splits one bubble going right the other left, there's literally nothing you can do. But if you keep trying, then possibly you two will be together. But, not for long, because you will crash in the middle of the cross roads destroying everything.
Listen to what life is telling you, over look your desires.
If it's not easy then it's grinding to a halt.
If you feel stuck in a relationship, job, whatever, it's probably time for a change, however small or big that might be.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
The middle road
When one learns to love themselves and the world around them it's easy to fall in love with people. But sometimes you fall in love romantically with a person that's difficult to be with. Either they are gone all the time, your really busy or the two of you live far apart from each other.
Should you never talk to them again?
No, if they are really special to you then they should stay in your life. A person can try after communicating with each-other, about the difficulty of the situation and decide to just be friends for the time being or be romantic only when they are around while looking for someone else, or be in an open relationship.
Or it can be better to just fall out of love with them and stay friends. <sounds difficult but here are some ways to keep one or both from getting "hot and bothered"
Don't sleep over
Do things in the day
Don't go to possible romantic spots
Hang out with your friends with them or in a group
Talk less or more depending on how you two feel
We are capable of loving so much, don't limit yourself, if the two of you are honest and respectful there will be a way that the two of you can still be in each others lives regardless of the difficult situation. Real friends last forever no matter how much time and space is between them.
Should you never talk to them again?
No, if they are really special to you then they should stay in your life. A person can try after communicating with each-other, about the difficulty of the situation and decide to just be friends for the time being or be romantic only when they are around while looking for someone else, or be in an open relationship.
Or it can be better to just fall out of love with them and stay friends. <sounds difficult but here are some ways to keep one or both from getting "hot and bothered"
Don't sleep over
Do things in the day
Don't go to possible romantic spots
Hang out with your friends with them or in a group
Talk less or more depending on how you two feel
We are capable of loving so much, don't limit yourself, if the two of you are honest and respectful there will be a way that the two of you can still be in each others lives regardless of the difficult situation. Real friends last forever no matter how much time and space is between them.
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