Sunday, March 30, 2014

The art of conversation

We have all heard it before

  • "It's not what you say, it's how you say it."
  •  "Choose your words carefully."
  •  "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it all." 
  • "I hear what you're saying, but your face says otherwise."
Did you ever think these phrases held wisdom...they DO! LISTEN PEOPLE! :) It's better to listen more and talk less until you have something meaningful to say.

Here are some ways to have a meaningful conversation without getting kicked to the curb:
  • Tell an interesting story about your past.
  • Talk about your hobbies and see if the other person has one in common, then go from there.
  • First ask if the person likes to talk about "religion, politics, philosophy" if they do then talk about it. Smart people enjoy deeper conversations, so go for it.
  • When you start to get to know the person better, occasionally share your insecurities, goals, things that make you happy, and things that make you sad. When you show you're not perfect, that person will feel comfortable to be themselves, to be human. 
Of course, for one to have meaningful conversations, one needs to know themselves. If you have been ignoring yourself, your sacred, the natural beauty of being alive, well you're going to have a hard time. It's better to be alone and self discover, before engaging with too many people. Shallow people will attract other lower thought people, and if you are trying to improve yourself it's going to make it more challenging.

Don't give up, I believe in you all, it's one step at a time, to the golden sunshine. 

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